Selection of Romanian Painters


The collection of Romanian art was built up after the 90’s, through acquisitions from artists- directly from workshops, from some collectors and later from Bucharest auction houses.

The paintings in the collection are made after the 60s, such as those of the artist Alin Gheorghiu, or of the artists Magdalena Rădulescu, Margareta Sterian, or Georgeta Năpărus, but also of more recent period, after 2000, and I exemplify here the works of Vladimir Șetran, Florin Ciubotaru, Corneliu Vasilescu, Vasile Tolan, etc. Most of the works were and are exhibited in the headquarters of the law firm Serban & Asociații; and some of them have been exhibited in various museums in the country and in the ICR offices in Chisinau, Budapest and Vienna.

Here, we hereby present to you a selection of works by 25 Romanian artists.