Selection of Romanian Graphic Artists


The collection of Romanian graphic art (drawing, watercolour, etching, lithography, tempera, etc.), I have been making since 1990. I have some works from my student period, such as Aurel Jiquidi, Marcel Chirnoaga, Mircia Dumitrescu or George Patru. The works cover the entire 20th century to date and are made by about 200 artists at various stages of their creation.

However, the works from 1960-2010 predominate. Most of the works were purchased from artists (painters, sculptors or graphic artists) – directly from workshops, from some collectors in Bucharest and from Bucharest auction houses. Most of the important names of the artists of the sec. XX and early XXI century are in my collection. An important place in the graphic collection is occupied by the artists (35 graphic artists) who had as teachers Vasile Kazar, Ion State and Mircia Dumitrescu. In my exhibitions organized together with the Brukenthal National Museum and curated by Alexandru Constantin Chituta, the Kazar School has represented an important part of the respective events and a separate chapter in the exhibition album. More than 200 graphic works have been exhibited in the offices of the “Serban & Asociatii” Law Firm for more than 15 years, and about 150 have been exhibited in various exhibitions in museums around the country and in the ICR offices in Chisinau, Budapest and Vienna.

You can see here a small part of the collection of graphics made by a number of Romanian artists.


An important place in the graphic collection is occupied by artists (35 graphic artists) who had Vasile Kazar, Ion State and Mircia Dumitrescu as teachers. In my exhibitions organized together with the Brukenthal National Museum and curated by Alexandru Constantin Chițuță, I called this group the “Kazar School”. The works of this school were an important part of our exhibitions and have a special chapter in the exhibition album.

Over the years I have had the honour and the chance to visit many of them in workshops or to meet them in exhibitions or even at my company premises. Discussions with them, their advice, have helped me enormously in strengthening, refining my graphic collection. I would like to thank in particular Nicolae Saftoiu and Dan Erceanu (who are no longer with us, but also to Casia Csehi and Mircia Dumitrescu – a great artist who has been very productive in recent years.